The next Annual General Meeting of the Oxford University Cricket Club will be held at Jesus College on 5 March 2018 at 6 p.m.
To approve the Minutes of the 2017 A.G.M.
To receive the accounts for the year ended 31 July 2017.
To note that, though James Mallinson was elected, at the 2017 A.G.M., to serve as Senior Member, in succession to Peter Mirfield, because James has ceased to be a member of Congregation, he is no longer eligible to serve as Senior Member. In light of that, the O.U.C.C. Committee has appointed Byron Byrne to serve as its Senior Member, subject to confirmation at this A.G.M. Therefore, the membership is now invited to confirm that election.
The membership is, in consequence of the matters in item 3, invited to elect or re-elect (as the case may be) the following (who have been nominated by the Committee) to the respective offices set opposite to their names:
Treasurer: James Mallinson
Secretary: Peter Mirfield
The membership is invited to express its thanks to James Rogers for serving as Secretary for the last four years.
5. Review of the 2017 season
6. Outlook for 2018 season including key fixtures and dates.
7. Any other business
F. W. Neate,