The next Annual General Meeting of the Oxford University Cricket Club will be held at Vincent’s Club on 20 February 2019 at 5.45pm.
1. To approve the Minutes of the 2018 A.G.M., held on 5 March 2018 (to be tabled).
2. To receive the accounts for the year ended 31 July 2018 (to be tabled).
3. (a) To consider and to vote upon a proposal from the O.U.C.C Committee that there be a merger of O.U.C.C. and O.U.W.C.C., noting that the proposal has the firm support of both clubs. Byron Byrne will introduce the proposal.
(b) Should the proposal be approved, the Meeting will be asked to approve the amended Constitution for the Clubs.
4. The membership is invited to elect the following (who have been nominated by the Committee) to the respective offices set opposite their names, the former with immediate effect, the latter with effect from 6 July 2019 (on the retirement of Francis Neate as President):
Vice Chair: Claire Taylor, M.B.E
President: Victor Marks
The membership is invited to express its warm thanks to Francis Neate for serving as President for the last nine years.
5. Review of the 2018 season for both O.U.C.C. and O.U.W.C.C.
6. Outlook for the 2019 season including key fixtures and dates.
7. Any other business
Peter Mirfield