OUCC Alumni Dinner 2025

We are pleased to be hosting our inaugural alumni dinner to bring together friends of OUCC from across the past 60 years. This event will be an excellent opportunity to reconnect with old OUCC friends and celebrate memories (from off and on the field!), while hearing about the current achievements of OUCC.


Location: St Edmund Hall (Queen's Ln, Oxford, OX1 4AR)

Date: Friday 4th April

Time: Pre-dinner drinks from 7pm in the front quad, Dinner served from 7:30pm.

Dress Code: Black Tie or Blues Blazers

Tickets: £70 for alumni and £65 for current students

Format: 3 course dinner inc. wine

Guest Speaker: OUCC and England test cricketer, Jason Gallian

Drinks: Post-dinner drinks will be held at Vincent's

Ticket Link: Tickets


A photographer will be available on the night to take photos of groups and friends

We would also like to share some photos of OUCC from over the years during the dinner. If you have any photos of your time with the club, and are happy for these to be shared on the night please do email them to toby.brown@magd.ox.ac.uk.