Club Archive

We are delighted to be introducing the new OUCC Archive section of our website. We will run regular features of past OUCC teams and we welcome contributions from anyone involved with the club! 

We are also very excited to announce the start of a recurring "OUCC Hall of Fame" series, detailing the lives of some of the greatest players to don the dark blue cap. The inspiration behind this idea, David Walsh (OUCC 1965-1969), introduces this feature in his own words.

Oxford cricket has a rich history and it is one that should be shared with all generations from those of us who played in The Parks sixty or more years ago right up to the 2025 cohort. I have started this off with a feature on Martin Donnelly, who is my first nomination for OUCC's Hall of Fame. I hope that others will engage through the website and contribute their own memories of Oxford cricket through features about other great players or matches, or in the form of photos or of letters, which have been such an entertaining and engaging section of the splendid Vincent's News. 

A lot of work has been done on Oxford cricket history by the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, including biographies of everyone who has played a first-class match for Oxford and other statistics and records. 


A biographical register of all first-class cricketers to have played for the university is available here.

A statistical summary of the varsity match can be found at this link.

A summary of OUCC's first-class record.